Avowed includes 24 preset characters, jump over to our first look of the 24 presets from the Avowed Advanced Access launch to get a quick look. The presets do not affect background attributes and are cosmetic.
Video of Character Presets
Avowed allows customization of Body Types and Skin Tones for male and female humans and elves.
4 Body Types include male and female, human or elven variants.
You hail from the Aedyran Empire, one of the world's major colonial powers. Aedyr is a nation forged by centuries of war between neighboring human and elven kingdoms and formed by their eventual alliance. Your emperor chose you to journey to the Living Lands to investigate the Dreamscourge.
14 face presets are available per preset character. These are unique per character so be sure to take a look at each when in game.
One of the core character features of the game are Godlike Features with Head and Hair features that can be customized. You can also choose if NPCs (non-playable characters) will react to your features -- we'll explore more on how NPCs react in upcoming articles.
You are a godlike: a rare individual born blessed (or cursed) with a connection to one of the gods. Godlike manifest their divine heritage in unique physical features and innate abilities that reflect their patron deity.
Hairstyle can be customized with 50 different types ranging from bald to dreadlocks. Hair Root Color and Hair Highlight Color may also be customized.
Eyes can be customized with adjustments to Eye Size, Eye Position, Eye Spread, Eye Depth, Eye Angle and Eye Colors (either both, left or right individual color selections).
Eyebrows "Brows" can be customized with adjustments to Brow Size, Brow Position, Brow Spread, Brow Depth, Brow Angle and Brow Colors.
Noses can be customized with adjustments to Nose Size, Nose Position, Nose Depth, Nose Root Width, and Nose Tip Direction.
Overall face shape can be customized with adjustments to Cheek Position, Cheek Width, and Cheek Depth; Jaw Position, Jaw Spread, and Jaw Depth; and Chin Size, Chin Position, and Chin Depth.
Your background provides unique dialogue options and determines your starting weapon. All equiment and abilities are available to you regardless of your background.
Avowed includes 5 possible background archetype options at launch. Each background will affect the main attribute points selections and displayed below.
Attribute points can be assigned to six different attributes with 3 points per attribute maximum during character creation.
Game difficulty can be changed at anytime during gameplay and can be set to 5 different levels: Story Time, Easy, Normal (Default), Hard, Path of the Damned.
Story time difficulty is recommended for players who are more interested in exploration and story development rather than the challenge of combat. Combat is biased in the player's favor.
Path of the Damned is only intended for players who desire the most punishing encounters! It requires mastermind strategization of builds and loadouts, and above all, perserverance.
Adjustments to voice are possible with up to 4 options that include 2 "male" and 2 "female" variants.
Indentify your character as He, She, or They for the character sheet.
Reminder options Godlike features are available to be re-confirmed.
Your character's name can have up to 16 characters.
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