First Look: Spectre Divide Character Customizations


Spectre Divide is the genre-evolving, competitive 3v3 tactical shooter driven by Duality. Here's an overview of the character traits from the beta.

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You'll have the opportunity to customize two unique characters: yourself and your spectre.


Rookie Delta

Rooke Theta

Rookie Gamma

Rookie Omega

Face Styling

There are 11 face styles available.

Head Styling

Styling the character's head includes 12 types with 10 skin shades, 3 voice tones, and 10 colors for lips & eyebrows and 9 colors for eyes.

Hair Styling

Hair Types

Hair styles are fun and can create a bit of variation for your spectre.

Hair Colors

Colors for the hair are possible under the "Edit Alterations" panel with 9 available colors.